Social Media Content and Blogging

For your website to thrive and move up on Search Engine rankings, you will need to be frequently adding high quality content.  Writing a regular blog and keeping your customers and fans happy with a regular feed of engaging, relevant and shareable Social Media content can be a challenge for any business.

Content Planning

Samphire Marketing helps clients with planning activity for your Social Media Content and Blogging.  Our basic service would be to help you develop a Content Plan for what to post, when and where and how to monitor it. This would include outlines for planned content, based on keywords and searches relevant to your audience, as well as recommendations for reactive content, a full list of the types of news stories and other people’s content you should be sharing and looking to respond to.

Blogging Services

We can then take that further for you, writing regular blogs for you. Our team of writers and journalists ensure all the blogs we write for clients are optimised for your website and industry. We agree the topics with you in advance, ensuring they are based on subjects that potential customers of your company are looking to read about online.

Social Media Content and Monitoring

For some of our clients, we go even further and regularly create and share content on your behalf direct to your own Social Media Accounts.

We’ll also monitor your feeds for you and respond to enquiries or give a holding response and contact you for the answer if we are not able to answer a query immediately without checking with you.

Being seen to deal quickly with issues raised on Social Media really highlights your organisation’s excellent customer service and can help prevent a problem growing into a more serious complaint, or even turn it around completely converting an unhappy customer into an advocate for our brand.

Getting some expert support with what you write and publish on your website and social media channels can really help you make the most of all your online activity.

Whether you need help with content long term, or short term to cover staff shortages or holidays, we’d love to help.